11 Tips for Eye and Vision Healthy | Eye Care Guide

11 Tips for Eye and Vision Healthy | Eye Care Guide

Have you ever wondered what is the best way to protect your eyes? What things can Gen-Z and militants do now to avoid blindness later? In the carefree days of youth, we often take our eyes for granted; when years pass, most of us grapple with eye diseases. But you have to remember one thing: like other body organs, our eyes need special care, especially in this era when pollution is at its peak.

According to a recent survey, 90 percent of people are breathing in air that is highly polluted. Most of us are experiencing any form of visual difficulties. Further, it is added that by 2050, about 895 million people will develop eye conditions.

Moreover, unbalanced diets also affect your eyesight; a diet lacking vitamins is also a leading cause of eye issues. It is seen that people who spend more hours in front of computer screens develop eyesight difficulties. When these factors combine, it creates a perfect storm for eye-related problems.

However, all eye issues are preventable, so you can protect your eyes with knowledge and proactive steps. Are you thinking about what healthy activities can save your eyesight? Don’t stress out. We will tell you what you can do to protect your eyes.

Read this article here. We enlisted healthy eye tips that can aid you in maintaining your eye health and keeping your eyes youthful and vibrant, no matter your age.

11 Tips for eye health

Are you looking for a way to preserve your eyesight? Various healthy habits can protect your vision, but here we mentioned the top 11 practical tips that are effective, such as:

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes

Is your habit of touching your eyes frequently? If yes, stop immediately because your hands are constantly exposed to dirt, bacteria, and dust. You can transfer all of these to your eyes every time you rub them off. So don’t unnecessarily touch your eyes.

You must wash your hands regularly to get rid of infection, etc. You must prevent them from getting in contact with your eyes, contact lenses, and eyeglasses.

  • Quit smoking

Smoking is dangerous for eyesight; according to reports, smoking is the cause of various diseases like uvea and dry eye syndrome.

Smoking makes you more vulnerable to macular degeneration and other eye problems like cataracts. Smoking can cause permanent damage to optic nerves. This can impact your vision.

  • Balanced diet

Our eye needs beta carotene, lutein, omega-3, lycopene, and vitamins A, C, and E for maintenance. You must take food enriched in these nutrients.

You must consume food that is enriched with zinc foods, like beef, pork, peanuts, shellfish, or legumes.

Add food to your diet that has vitamin C; these include oranges, broccoli, strawberries, bell peppers, and Brussels sprouts. This is good for eye health.

  • Maintain distance from screens

In this modern world, we are surrounded by screens that affect our eye health. There must be a distance of arm’s length between your eyes and the computer screen. This will reduce eye strain. The room should be adequately lightened. Dim light strains the eyes, while too much bright light is also not good for the eyes as it can cause glare.

  • Wash off eye makeup before sleeping

Are you a makeup lover? If you wear makeup on a more regular basis, then you should select the makeup that is non-allergic to you. Eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliners can lead to eye allergies. Before going to bed, always take off your makeup with a makeup remover. Sleeping with eye makeup can cause the clogging of pores around the eyes.

For this, you should keep the makeup remover pads near your bed because sometimes we all are too lazy.

Moreover, you should also clean your makeup brushes.

  • Get enough sleep

Sleep is directly related to your eye health. Like our bodies, our eyes need rest, too. Various studies have proved that poor sleep leads to eye problems. Enough sleep will make your eyes healthy and revitalized.

A report says lack of sleep can cause fatigue in the eyes. Eye fatigue leads to dryness, eye irritation, blurred vision, photophobia, double vision, and excessive tears. The sleep of 7-8 hours per night is recommended.

  • Wear goggles

Before doing any activity, you should ensure that your eyes are protected. For instance, before going swimming, wear protective goggles so that your eyes are not exposed to chlorine. If you are going to do gardening, also put safety glasses on to avoid dust entering your eyes.

  • Try 20-20-20 rule

20-20-20 is best practice. You should follow the 20-20-20 rule to have good eye health:

  • After every 20 minutes, divert your eyes from the screen and focus on the object that is at a distance of at least 20 minutes
  • Blink your eyes successively to prevent your eyes from getting dry
  • After every 20 minutes, take 20 steps
  • This is good for blood circulation, too
  • Use allergen-reducing drops

If you are allergic to foreign agents, you should use allergen-reducing eye drops.

But they should not be used quite often. Eye drops can constrict the blood flow to the cornea. So oxygen level drops. But this is not good as it can lead to swelling and scarring.

If you use contact lenses, then you should read the title of eye drops very carefully. Some eye drops are not recommended if you use contact lenses.

  • Safety  goggles

When working with harmful chemicals, power tools, or any environment with dangerous airborne particulates, you must wear safety goggles. This can protect your eyes from any trauma or damage.

  • Use cucumber slice

Keep cold cucumber slices on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. It will reduce the puffiness of the eyes.

Moreover, you can also do this with the help of green tea bags dipped in cold water for 20 minutes.


Eyes are a blessing, and taking care of them is our duty. Due to various reasons, people lose their sight at any age. Still, you can protect your eyesight by adopting the tips mentioned above, like avoiding smoking, eating healthily, washing your hands, exercising, using safe eye makeup, etc.