10 Side effects of erectile dysfunction medication
Do erectile dysfunction medicines possess side effects? Erectile dysfunction patients usually take medicine to combat erection issues. Undoubtedly, these medicines are effective; as long as a man is sexually active, he can get benefits from ED medication.
However, there are side effects that people experience after using medicine. If you have erectile dysfunction and are using medicine, you have to know that you may face side effects.
In this article, we will tell you what the side effects of erectile dysfunction are. So keep reading.
10 Common side effects of erectile dysfunction
Here are 10 common side effects of erectile dysfunction, such as:
- Headache
Nitric oxide accumulates in the body and causes dilation of vessels. It causes inflammation of some parts of the body and brain, leading to migraines.
A survey by the National Institute of Health shows that 1 in 4 men who take sildenafil have problems with headaches. These headaches are recurring and can last for weeks to months.
- Hearing loss
ED medications, which are inhibitors of PDE5, increase the blood flow. These medications can also treat high blood pressure.
A study published by the Federal Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality showed that 11.525 men above 40 years who consumed PDE5i medication are 2 times more prone to hearing loss than those who didn’t take them.

However, another study showed that this hearing loss is temporary.
- Flushes
One of the most common side effects of erectile dysfunction is flushing or the appearance of red blotches on the skin. It affects almost 30.8 percent of the patients.
These patches mostly appear on the face. However, these can appear on any part of the body. These can be mild, moderate or severe.
If you are having these blotches, then you should consult your doctor immediately.
- Priapism
The most dangerous side effect is priapism. It occurs with PDE5 inhibitor drugs of ED. It is a rare side effect.
These ED medications dilate the blood vessels in the penis and increase the blood flow. Thus, these cause the erection.
In priapism, the erection doesn’t go even after sex or masturbation. This problem can be very debilitating. Thus, you should seek medical help immediately.
If not treated, it can destroy tissues in the penis and lead to penile scarring.
- Backache
It may seem nonlogical, but one of the side effects of erectile dysfunction medications is backaches.
This can also be due to increasing age. With age, testosterone levels drop, and muscle mass also reduces. Reduction in muscle mass can lead to restricted mobility and lowered strength.
- Dizziness
Accumulation of nitric oxide can cause dizziness. This dizziness can either be mild or severe. But this can create hurdles in daily life activities.
In severe cases, this dizziness can make a person faint. This can be a serious issue. You must inform your doctor if you are experiencing dizziness as a side effect of ED medications.
- Nasal congestion
Side effects of ED are chest and nasal congestion. The men taking ED medications can have a runny nose.
All these side effects are due to high concentrations of nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide is already present in nasal mucosa in great concentrations. Thus, men suffer from chest and nasal congestion, leading to chest pain.
- GIT issues
One of the main side effects is GIT problems. These medications can lead to diarrhea and indigestion. This problem of indigestion can cause many other problems.
- Visual changes
One of the side effects of erectile dysfunction medications is visual changes. These changes occur in various forms like blurred vision, difficulty in differentiating between blue and green color, and photophobia.
Upon taking an ED pill, blood flow increases to various parts of the body. This blood can reach the eyes and have adverse effects on the fragile blood vessels of the eyes.
If you already have any genetic disease, then you are more prone to these harmful effects.
In most severe cases, vision loss occurs.
- Body pain
Some people complain of muscle aches and pain in the whole body. Some people particularly complain of pain in the lower back. If you have any pain in your body, you must consult your doctor.

Erectile dysfunction medication
Erectile dysfunction is known as impotence. It can affect your relationship as you are not satisfied with your sexual life.
There are many causes of ED. It can either be psychological or physical. Physical causes in men can be due to increasing age.
The following are effective medications for ED:
- Vardenafil
- Sildenafil
- Tadalafil
- Avanafil
These drugs boost the level of nitric oxide in blood. NO is a vasodilator, thus increasing the blood flow. This specially dilates the blood vessels of the penis. Thus, it makes erection easy.
Who should not take erectile dysfunction medicine?
If you have the following issues, don’t take erectile dysfunction medicine:
- If you are taking this medicine
The blood pressure level in people who take nitroglycerin for chest pain or tamsulosin hydrochloride drops to a great extent. Now, if you take these medications along with ED medications, it can be a lethal combination. Blockers also have the same results.
- If you are at risk of heart attack
ED causes the dilation of vessels in the brain, heart, and penis. This can be dangerous if the person has already had CVS problems like stroke, heart attack, and heart rhythm issues in the past 6 months.
You have these health conditions.
- If you have certain diseases
It is very important to take caution if the person has a previous history of congestive heart failure, angina, low blood pressure, etc.
Erectile dysfunction medicine aids in getting erections, but these may lead to other health issues such as headaches, digestive issues, body pain, dizziness, vision problems, etc.; if you have serious issues like high blood pressure, brain issues, or high cholesterol level you should avoid such medicine. So before taking any medicine, consult your doctor first.